Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tutorial : Event Handling in Javascript ( 1 of 3)

In this Tutorial Series - we will try to cover the basics of event handling, advanced eventhandling, and lots of examples


Events allow you to write JavaScript code that reacts to certain situations. Examples of events include:
The user clicking the mouse button
The Web page loading
  A form field being changed

Event Handlers
To allow you to run your bits of code when these events occur, JavaScript provides us with event handlers. All the event handlers in JavaScript start with the word on, and each event handler deals with a certain type of event. Here's a list of all the event handlers in JavaScript, along with the objects they apply to and the events that trigger them:
Event handler
Applies to:
Triggered when:
The loading of the image is 
Button, Checkbox,
FileUpload, Layer, 
Password, Radio, 
Reset, Select, 
Submit, Text, TextArea, Window
The object in question loses
 focus (e.g. by clicking outside it or pressing theTAB key).
FileUpload, Select, Text, TextArea
The data in the form element 
is changed by the user.
Button, Document, Checkbox, Link, 
Radio, Reset, Submit
The object is clicked on.
Document, Link
The object is double-clicked on.
An icon is dragged and dropped into the browser.
Image, Window
A JavaScript error occurs.
Button, Checkbox, 
 FileUpload, Layer,
 Password, Radio,
 Reset, Select, 
Submit, Text, 
TextArea, Window
The object in question gains
 focus (e.g. by clicking on it or pressing the TAB key).
Document, Image, Link, TextArea
The user presses a key.
Document, Image, Link, TextArea
The user presses or holds down a key.
Document, Image, Link, TextArea
The user releases a key.
Image, Window
The whole page has finished loading.
Button, Document, Link
The user presses a mouse button.
The user moves the mouse.
Image, Link
The user moves the mouse away from the object.
Image, Link
The user moves the mouse over the object.
Button, Document, Link
The user releases a mouse button.
The user moves the browser window or frame.
The user clicks the form's Reset button.
The user resizes the browser window or frame.
Text, Textarea
The user selects text within the field.
The user clicks the form's Submit button.
The user leaves the page.

Using the Event Handlers

Lets move on to using event handlers

To use an event handler, you usually place the event handler name within the HTML tag of the object you want to work with, followed by ="SomeJavaScriptCode", whereSomeJavaScriptCode is the JavaScript you would like to execute when the event occurs.
For example:
 <input type="submit" name="clickme" value="Click Me!" onclick="alert('Thank You!')"/>
Although the original JavaScript event handler name contains 
capital letters ("onClick"), you should use all lowercase in the HTML 
itself ("onclick") if you want your markup to follow the XHTML 
specification (which we do!). All element names and attributes must be 
lowercase in XHTML.

The Event Object

The Event object is created automatically whenever an event occurs. There are a number of properties associated with the Event object that can be queried to provide additional information about the event:
Used by the onDragDrop event. Returns an array of URLs of dropped objects.
Stores the height of the window or frame containing the object connected with the event.
Returns a string listing any modifier keys that were held down during a key or mouse event. The modifier key values are: ALT_MASK, CONTROL_MASK,SHIFT_MASK and META_MASK.
These properties hold the X and Y pixel coordinates of the cursor relative to the page, at the time of the event.
These properties hold the X and Y pixel coordinates of the cursor relative to the screen, at the time of the event.
Returns a string representing the object that initiated the event.
Returns a string representing the type of the event (keypress, click, etc).
Returns a number representing the mouse button that was pressed (1=left, 2=middle, 3=right) or the ASCII code of the key that was pressed.
Stores the width of the window or frame containing the object connected with the event.
These properties hold the X and Y pixel coordinates of the cursor relative to the layer connected with the event or, for the onResize event, the width and height of the object after it was resized. (You can also use event.layerX and event.layerY, which do the same thing.)  

  • Some examples of event Handlers
In this section, we'll look at a few of the more commonly used event handlers, and examine how they can be used.


onChange is commonly used to validate form fields  or to otherwise perform an action when a form field's value has been altered by the user. The event handler is triggered when the user changes the field then clicks outside the field or uses the TAB key (i.e. the object loses focus).


This example code ensures that you type in both your first and your last names. It will bring up an alert box and refocus the text box field if you only type one word into the text box.
Please enter your name: <input type="text" name="your_name" onchange="validateField(this)"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateField ( fieldname )
    if ( ( fieldname.value ) &&
    ( ! fieldname.value.match ( " " ) ) )
        alert ( "Please enter your first and last names!" );
        fieldname.focus ( );
Please enter your name: 


The onClick handler is executed when the user clicks with the mouse on the object in question. Because you can use it on many types of objects, from buttons through to checkboxes through to links, it's a great way to create interactive Web pages based on JavaScript.


In this example, an alert box is displayed when you click on the link below.
 <a href="#" onclick="alert('Thanks!')">Click Me!</a>
onFocus is executed whenever the specified object gains focus. This usually happens when the user clicks on the object with the mouse button, or moves to the object using the TAB key. onFocus can be used on most form elements.


This example text box contains the prompt "Please enter your email address" that is cleared once the text box has focus.
 <input type="text" name="email_address"
size="40" value="Please enter your email address"


You can use onKeyPress to determine when a key on the keyboard has been pressed. This is useful for allowing keyboard shortcuts in your forms and for providing interactivity and games.


This example uses the onKeyPress event handler for the Window object to determine when a key was pressed. In addition, it uses the which property of the Event object to determine the ASCII code of the key that was pressed, and then displays the pressed key in a text box. If event.which is undefined it uses event.keyCode instead (Internet Explorer uses event.keyCode instead of event.which).
<body onkeypress = "show_key(event.which)">
 <form method="post" name="my_form">
 The key you pressed was:
<input type="text" name="key_display" size="2"/>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 function show_key ( the_key )
    if ( ! the_key )
        the_key = event.keyCode;
    = String.fromCharCode ( the_key );


The onLoad event handler is triggered when the page has finished loading. Common uses of onLoad include the dreaded pop-up advertisement windows, and to start other actions such as animations or timers once the whole page has finished loading.


This simple example displays an alert box when the page has finished loading:
<body onload = "alert('Thanks for visiting my page!')">
My Page

onMouseOut, onMouseOver


Here's a simple example that alters the value of a text box depending on whether the mouse pointer is over a link or not.
<input type="text" id="status" value="Not over the link"/>
<a href="" onmouseover="document.getElementById('status').value='Over the link'"
onmouseout="document.getElementById('status').value='Not over the link'">Move
the mouse over me!</a>


The onSubmit event handler, which works only with the Form object, is commonly used to validate the form before it's sent to the server.


This example asks you to confirm whether you want to submit the form or not when you click on the button. It returns true to the event handler if the form is to be submiited, and false if the submission is to be cancelled.
 <form onsubmit="return confirm('Are You Sure?')" action="">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>

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