IE Mozilla
Get Element by ID Name | document.all | document.getElementById |
Get All Elements on a Page | use the document.all array | document.getElementById('*') |
Get all child elements from a node | element.children works in IE to get all HTML elements. element.childNodes works in all browsers but returns all nodes, not just HTML elements. | |
Make one node the child of another | applyElement (appendChild works too) | appendChild |
Create an XMLHttp Object | new ActiveXObject(ObjID); ObjID can be one of ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', ' Microsoft.XMLHTTP'], depending on what the client has installed | new XMLHttpRequest(); |
Set or read the text value of an element | innerText | textContent |
Read/Set the float property of an element | style.cssFloat | style.styleFloat |
Get the event object in a function | window.event | must be passed to the function |
Get the target of an event | event.srcElement | |
Get the mouse position on screen | event.clientX+object.scrollLeft-object.clientLeft and event.clientY+object.scrollTop-object.clientTop (phew!) | event.pageX and event.pageY |
Get window size | document.body.clientHeight or document.documentElement.clientHeight, depending on the doctype | window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth |
One way to set position/size of an element | pixelLeft, pixelTop, pixelHeight and pixelWidth | left, top, height and width |
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